Know the condition of your properties
Most damage caused to the wood of structures is from water intrusion (water in direct contact with wood) creating fungus conditions; fungus left undetected or uncorrected will lead to dry rot
Liability & Protection
- Termite Control
- Structural Restoration
- Maintenance Programs
Angelo Termite is licensed as a Structural Pest Control Operator, General Contractor & Roofing Contractor, there is no job that we cannot conquer.

All condominiums and stock cooperative associations are responsible for the prompt, effective treatment of common area structures where “Wood Destroying Pests & Organisms” (termites, fungus & dry rot) are present, unless otherwise stated. Since the Davis-Stirling Act of 1985, Civil Code § 4780 has assumed the boundaries of the Structural Pest Control Act and the Business and Professions Code; the association is responsible for the treatment and repairs of common areas where there are Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO).